Friday, 25 May 2012

Retrospective Turn

Well, it’s Friday once again and who can complain about that, right?  Right?!?  I have no idea what awaits me this weekend, except that little Summer will be here looking for bubblegum in my bag.  I tried to get in a sneak, but my weekend horoscope told me that it may be the ideal time for me to start on my first novel.  O_o!!  Really?  Looks like someone’s been popping Rivotrol and sleeping on the job since I’m already on my second one.  Maybe that post was directed at that other Libran chick…therrrrrre…way out in yonder...can you see her?  There...jusssss a little to your left....the one that looks as though she’s about to start writing her first novel.  

So in light of that, I tread carefully and very retrospectively into this weekend.  I’ve never been a fan of the unknown.  Even some of the known, like cockroaches.  Found out earlier this week that at some point I’m going to have to conquer that phobia.  My epiphany came when I insisted to my son that he sweep out the unlucky one that met its death, choking on Doom.  He promptly said to me, “Be a man for once in your life.”  My first instinct was to tell him that I don’t have all the body parts necessary to even attempt that, but I instead convinced him via his ego that since he is the man of the house, he should do it.  He did it, meanwhile?  My daughter who had just sent me a picture of herself sitting on the edge of a very tall building on Sunday, followed by this message…”I live on the edge, literally!”  Wouldn’t budge either.  I found myself at the mercy of a boy who told me to be a man and a young lady who would rather dangle her legs over tall buildings than sweep out a dead cockroach.

As I traipse with much weary, along the lines of this page, I will admit that this has been a week that I’m quite happy to see over and done with and more importantly one that I don’t know how the rest of my life will be affected by.  It’s been one of those where you wish you could somehow go back and start over…on Tuesday.  You ever had one of those?  Yeah?  Well, I’m glad to see that someone understands.  Nevertheless though, it IS Friday and I love Friday’s as much as I love sunflowers before they wilt, dry up and die.  Friday is like the chilled out Barry White of the week.  Doesn’t matter how much work you have piled on your desk, Friday just whispers in your ear, in a smooth, soothing voice…”Take it easy, baby.  Monday’s about stressing.”  And I tend to take Friday’s advice, most times.  Friday’s my friend. 

Before I forget, Lyle, Congrats on your graduation today.  I’m very proud of you.  Mannnnn…I remember how it felt to wear that black gown and cap.  Can’t for the life of me recall what woke me up from that dream, but it felt like such an accomplishment…not the dream, my dream degree!  Threw my cap up with my dream class and everything!  

Well, I'm not staying her for too long today, I have work to finish!  HAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA!  Yeah, that was hilarious.  Friday's ROTFLitsAO too!

Hey, did you see that story in the newspaper today?  Me neither, lemme go read it so I have something to make fun of… A-HEM, I mean, Ramble Responsibly about tomorrow.

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