Feels as though Winter rhetorically asked, "Look? Do I really have to wait for June?!" because it's suddenly turned brrrrrrrrr in Durban! That's not cool, Winter. It's just rude. You can't just pitch up unannounced like one of the president's new wives. I don't know about you but Summer is the best time of year for me. It's Christmas and hot and tra-la-la-la-lahhh-la-la-la-laaah and all those good things! However, if you Durbanite's think this is cold? I got a rude awakening when I went to see Geese for the first time in 2010! You can look out of the window? And the sun is shining which makes you believe that you don't have to put more than two layers of clothing on! It's a trap! I never for a second thought that the sun, that I've loved every day for all of my life, could be privy to such deceit! All I needed was to take about twenty five steps until my fingers were instinctively drawn up to my nose to check whether it was still attached to my face. Floodgates opened on my tear ducts where my eyes constantly watered, my hands and fingers ached as my nails turned blue, and this was WITH a cute, warm, black coat on! If you want to know what bone chilling really means? Go to the east coast of the US during the start of winter! But for the full experience, go with JUST the clothes you'd wear in winter, here! Other than that, you'd be cheating!
Last here when I went? All my life I've dreamed of seeing snow and I went over October/November to Philadelphia! I kept saying to Geese, I hope it snows, and because he's such a sweetheart, he would keep those hopes up! Well? On the 25th October 2011, out of the blue...sky, it did! For once Pinnochio, the weatherman didn't lie! So I went to bed knowing that they promised me snow, and before my second eye was opened, Geese was like, "Come see"...I flew over to the window and saw these little pieces of ice bouncing off the ledge of the window! "It's SNOWING snowing!!!!!" I could not BELIEVE, that I was looking at SNOW! That it wasn't through a television screen on a Christmas feel-good movie! Apparently, it never snows in October, and to this day I maintain that, THAT snowfall was just for me because it snowed THAT one day and not again while I was there 'til mid November! Geese being Geese was like, "But noohh! Global warming is not something to be taken seriously! Noooooh!"
We put our coats on and went down there, I was in my element! Or more precisely, in the elements! God, it was fuuuuuureezing! And beautiful and TASTY! Yes, I stood there at times with my mouth open and tasted the snow and feeling the gentle caresses of snowflakes upon my face. Don't look at me all crazy, I needed to see if it was like the frost I would scrape off the freezer and eat, and it was EXACTLY THE SAME! Maybe I did see snow. Maybe it was snowing our the deep freeze all those years and I didn't realize it! But wow! What a first experience that was! I didn't care, up to a point, that my entire body was numb, I just cared about the fact that I was walking in REAL snow, with Geese and that it tasted delicious!
Have you ever been addicted to ice? I am. It was worst when I was younger though and no matter how much I was told that I was doing a total disservice to the enamel of my teeth, that was a small price to pay for the pleasure of crunching that ice-cube into small digestible pieces! Until I was up and down to the dentist to start filling my teeth! I remember going to the club and instead of a drink in my hand, I'd have a glass of ice instead! That's what you call a cheap date! Nobody looked at me funny plus you couldn't hear crunch-crunch over the loud music so it was allll good! Except that's obviously not what my teeth were thinking at the time!
And now on my way to the soccer grounds, I see a board on one of the lightpoles with the headline: "Taxi's: WE WANT TO STOP ANYWHERE!!!" They say that as though they don't ALREADY do that! Just another excuse to overturn dirtbins and smash store windows in the city centre...sigh!
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