Monday, 14 May 2012

To be or not to be…Candid!

So now they find out there is a hugggge hole in the laws concerning sexual offences?! So bad that the offender can be set free because for certain sexual offences, they forgot to set out penalty's for it!  Wowwww!  O_o!  My mum is like "CUT THEIR DAMMMM THINGS OFF!!!  #@+*#?"  Things?!!  That's typical of her, think she was trying to Ramble Responsibly!  She almost threw me out the house years ago when my daughter was little and asked me what a condom was.  That's why I'm more comfortable crawling into a hole with scorpions than I am having "that talk" with my kids.  I've tried my best to though, thanks to Geese, who always says, “You can’t have them learning stuff like that on the street!”  Dave too, he’s a very good friend of mine from the US who has a teenage daughter and he is open with her.  Me?  I’m gulping so much, it sounds like I’ve learnt a foreign language.  Seems American’s have no problem talking candidly about things like that.  South African’s?  Well, the one’s I know?  Uhhh, not so much!  That’s been a real challenge for us.  Geese sometimes has to shove me off the wall when I'm sitting cross-ankled like Humpty Dumpty before the great fall.  And when it get's to be too much for me, he becomes all the kings horses and all the kings men that puts me together again.  I'm one up on Humpty there!  Poor thing is still laying broken and in pieces! 

But, yeah, my mum was mad as shit that I didn't tell her it was a sweet!  And was it my daughter?  It was a little person, that much I know!  My memory of some things are worst than my late great aunt remembering which day to collect her pension.  We'd be sitting at my grans, and Aunty Becky would be like, "MargareT? When's pension day?"  Ma would yell back after a deep, impatient sigh, "Becky, I just told you, you collected your pension today!"  Thirty minutes later?  "MargareT?  When's pension day?"  Sadly, Aunty Becky died a month after my gran did.  They were so close, she had no reason to die because she wasn't sick, or sick enough to die.  We are all convinced that she died of a broken heart!  For me, that’s the saddest death of all, loving someone so much that you can’t even keep breathing without them.  Either that or?  She really needed to know when pension day was. 

"MargareT? When is pension day?"
 "Lord? Is there ducktape around here somewhere?"
"Now, now, Margaret, be nice!" After three hours and six pension day questions later, God then whispers, "Second draw on your left!"

1 comment:

  1. so nice so u do remember Aunty Becy ,where is Uncle Nunta and Tony lol girl u have a memory lol ahh i remember ur aunt like yesterday I told u ppl think we related darn i know more of ur family than my own lol so much so some gangsters u to want to stab me cos they said i was Nuts.s broe lol
