Friday, 15 June 2012

Chief of the Jungle

Next week this time?  I will be approaching the finish line with the diet!  Soon as it hits midnight, I fear for any chocolate that might be lying around…in my bag…that I may or may not have bought earlier on in the day.  I’m going the whole nine yards.  I’m even gonna act surprised that I found a chocolate in my bag!  As easy as this diet is…it draggggggggs out the days.  If I was eating normal, it would already be the end of June by now.  I don’t know if you wanna take that as a lesson and just don’t ever go on diet or..?  Or not diet on a Monday so that the day can fly by?  Unless you’re on vacation or something and you need time to practically stand still, then the 13 day diet is just the thing for you!  You will lose weight while not growing old fast. 

Now you understand where the term “Time flies when you’re having fun” comes from?  On a normal day, when I’m unwrapping a chocolate bar?  Whoooooooooooooooooooosh!  Don’t even taste the chocolate!  Don’t even remember I had a chocolate.  Or if I did, I may be hunting down the house pet thinking it came and snatched it right out of my hand!  That’s how fast time flies.  I have fun eating chocolates.  And cakes…And chocolates...And mannnnnnn?  Why am I doing this to myself!

Breaking news.  This news broke my heart, for real, for real!  We now have a new Chief of Police.  She served for three years as a non-executive board member at Absa, South Africa's biggest retail bank, and before that spent several years as a senior executive at state-owned rail-freight firm Transnet.  Most recently, she oversaw a presidential committee looking at the efficiency of state enterprises.”  Uhhhhhhh-huh?  Okie-dokes!  So?  What does a person even say to this?  What are you saying to this?  I am at a loss for words!  Just like she is at a loss for experience.  We already have a wicked crime problem right?  Yes?  Agreed?!?!?  Okay, just checking that I’m still sitting at my desk in SA!  Best our president could do after he fired Cele was to employ someone with NO experience for the worst possible position in which toooooo have no experience?  That was the best?  There was no retired Army General sitting at home just waiting to make sure some arrests were made to clean up our streets?  I don’t believe you!  Aaaaaargh!  Talk about an epic fail!  I would throw my hands up in the air in frustration right now?  But then I wouldn’t be able to keep typing.

Forgive my negativity.  It’s a negative sign to me.  I’m positively negative.  Two negatives don’t make a positive.  It actually does, but I’m drifting.  Negativity causes me to drift. And you know what this means, don’t you?  We can allllll apply to become chief of police when the position is once again available!  All you need is to be able to?  Breathe.  And be a person.  I saw all the animals running towards me like, “Breathe?!  Did you say breathe?!?!  That’s it!  That’s all?”  I just knocked the wind out of them with the person specification.  They’re all feeling rather negative too right now.  Sorry guys…Chin up!  I’m sure the jungle needs a chief of police too. 

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