Friday, 29 June 2012

An Uneducated Decision!

Just sitting here…thinking.  Oh!  I see you!  Covering your face like, “I can’t watch!  She’s over there thinking AGAIN!”  HARDY-HAH-HA!  Come-on now, you know my thoughts, enlighten, brighten and ensighten!  Hahahahahaha, even I had to laugh at that one. 

The sight that almost nudged me right off my chair today is the fact that our president is in the midst of purchasing a 300-seater 777 Boeing aircraft.  Holllllllllllllld it!  That would not be correct!  We are in the midst of purchasing a 300-seater 777 Boeing aircraft for our president.  Awwwwwww.  Just!  Awwwwwwwwwwwwww man!  What generous citizens we are!  Some of us don’t have clean water or food, but look at that?!?!  The sacrifices we make for those who make the rules.  It’s just so stirring to the emotions.  I’m just so emotional.  I don’t know about you, but my emotions are so stirred right now, I feel like I’m mixing chilli in my guts!  Yeahhhhhhhhh!  Notttttt such a good thing!

Let us hold hands and bow our heads in shame.  And while you’re assuming the position?  It would be a good idea to pray, shamefully, for your salvation since you have money to buy the president an aircraft after you just told your children that you may not have funds to send them to college.  Okaaaaay!  Shameful prayers out of the way….Now?  Let us sit in a circle, stand if you like…but really?  I would be kneeling if I were you!  Let us try to unravel and work through the many layers of “&?!$@ #&?!$ @#&? !$@#& ?!$@#!!!” that most of us are feeling.  Cursing is very effective but realize that it is only a short term measure of relief.  It’s not gonna change the fact that you’re buying the president a R2bn means of transportation yet you can barely afford petrol for your own vehicle.  Me?  I’m going to stop people from calling me by my birth name today.  I shall beg…”Call me, Shame!  I deserve it.  I limit tuck money to once a week for my kids and now look?  I suddenly have the funds to buy an airplane for somebody I have never met.”  

As we plod along the path of whythebloodyhellwouldhedothis?  We now reach the point of trying to make sense of things.  Can you see the blinking sign?  It says, “Trying to make sense of things!”  At least we’re not lost.  

Would that be a necessary purchase?  On a scale of one to…oooooh, I dunno?  Limits appear non-existent.  Just on a scale!!!?  It doesn’t even have to work.  On a broken scale!  How necessary is this purchase?  Why try so hard to give off that you care for your people when all you really care about is comfort and a seat for each of your wives and children on a family outing?  Us that are buying the plane, have to sit on laps and avoid the police at all costs!  Bent necks, bodies wound up tighter than a pigs tail!  “The police!  Duck!”  Others, (cause we’re all in this boiling pot of chilli together), others that are buying the plane, have to carry children on their backs, while they try to balance a bucket of water from that dirty river five kilometers down the road.  Is it that important to park a 300-seater aircraft in your garage when you know that half the nation is out of work, starving and unable to learn in school!  I mean?  There is a police station in Port Shepstone?  The police are working out of their cars as we speak because the government “forgot” to renew the lease of agreement for the building they’re using.  Whaaaaaaaaaat????????

My dad was mad as shit this morning.  “That’s why there’s so much depression in this country!  You turn on the news, badddd!  Read the paper, baddddd!  News is just baddddddd!  Everywhere you turn, someone is doing something, badddddd!”  

Someboddddddy please explainnnnnn!!!!!!!  I’m dying of curiosity here.  And I’m not even a cat!  Do the powers that be watch the news?  They do?  Have you actually, physically seen them watch the news?  Then let’s not assume until we know for sure.  This morning’s news told us that one of the schools, in Limpopo I believe, just received two measly boxes of workbooks.  Meanwhile?  It’s almost July.  The students finished write mid-year exams.

On what?  Ay, your guess is as good as mine.  Maybe P.E.  You don’t need books to study Physical Education.  You just run and…stretch.  Or play soccer.  All that matters is that you’re being physical!  Your report will read; 

A-Ran well! 
A-Kicked ball! 
A-Walked…back to class. 


There are 1,300 students at that school.  Two boxes.  Normal boxes.  Nothing gigantic about the boxes I saw.  They looked a little higher in size than the one’s I keep my black knee high boots in.  And I have to fold those!  When I say normal boxes, I mean regular boxes.  You wouldn’t even use those sized boxes when you’re moving house.  You won’t even fit one comforter in the box!  1,300 students.  300-seater aircraft.  R2bn.  I’m either very perceptive or totally off track when I say…there’s a tiny margin of imbalance here. 

Do you see it? 

And this link here?  Will show you how it’s deemed to be so “unfortunate” that the kids didn’t receive textbooks for the first six months of the year!

I can think of sohhhhh many other, ‘unfortunate’ things right about now!

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