You ever wonder what it was
like to live in the era of the Cave people? All I visualize is being
clobbered over the head with a big clobbering thing and then
being dragged by my hair into a dark cave. I get an instant
headache. And then? No jeans?!?!? What a hollow
existence that would be! No life is completely fulfilled without
denim! If you can conquer and skin a big beast of an animal to make
an off-the-shoulder man-dress, why can’t you skin…the…? Whatyoucallitagain!? The…the
animal that gives you denim?! Denimal! We have one of those at the
Mitchells Park Zoo! Hehehehe…Same Zoo that my mother was poking the Crocodile
with a stick to see if it was real. Until the security got involved.
And sheeeeeeeeeeee was meant to be in charge of us all. Sigh....
I'm thinking about this
because I'm feeling cold. Don't you think about cave people when
you're cold? No?! When you're wearing bellbottom
jeans? I figured at some point everybod… oh. Okay. (shrug my shoulders) Each to his own then,
I guess.
And this is how I know that
I would never have survived that era. I only wear a dress under duress really
and thinking about a world where I would be forced to wear one every day come rain
or shine? I wouldn't even come out of my mother’s womb! Every time she
they would do an ultrasound, I will hold up my sign stating..."I shall
swim for an eternity in the water's of my mother's belly until that dress law has
been overturned!" Not even the jaws of life would get me
outa there. Come looking for me and I will be planking up against the
ceiling of her womb until they gave up their search! She'd be pregnant for life! Breached?!?! Would
have nothing on me! That would be the end of our
lineage right there! I'd crawl into her back and hold her spine
hostage if I had to! Imagine if when women fell pregnant? Their backs
expanded and not their tummy's! ROTFLMAO! You'd
see some statuses that would read...
"That awkard moment
when your eyeballs are strained from trying to see your second trimester
"What do you think of
this gynae? Did a scan of my baby, behind my back! Mxm!"
Was there Winter in the
Cave era? I don’t think so. Not once have I seen a caveman in a coat
and scarf! Brrrrrrrr…but imagine if there was Winter! O_O! I'd
be banished to a life of constantly hearing my teeth klaklaklaklakla-ering, and
as punishment for using my mother’s spine as a bargaining tool? Soon
as I reached the marriage milestone, I'd have a constant headache because my
cave husband would have no manners. He didn’t even ask for
me. They just gave me to him because they were holding a grudge over
that whole pregnant for life thing. People
were really petty in the cave era. In my
unborn mind, I was standing up for my rights and for a little bit of fun, thought
I’d get a head-start on hide and go seek! Everybody wants a
proactive child who knows how to have fun, don’t they? Well? Not
my cave parents. It turned out that they would give me to my cave
husband who wouldn’t know how to speak to me because he'd believe that actions
spoke louder than words. And that dragging me home until my ass was
left skinless would somehow equate to “I love
you, my darling wife who I didn’t even ask for!” And I
know my tenses are all over the place right now….just go with the flow. Don’t
be all English examish. I’m just nervous in case my cave husband
comes home and finds me sitting here blogging.
In my humble cave, can I use
the word, abode, to describe my cave house? In my humble abode, there would be no, "Honey,
could you brush my skins please? Such a beautifully domesticated
wife I have!" Instead he would bring me his skins, throw
them on the floor in front of me, “grunt” and all I’m thinking at
that point is “Geeeez! Were you born in a cave with all of that
grunting!?” So when I look at him hesitantly? You
know how when you stare at your husband as if you didn't quite hear him
properly? Secretly answering your own question and trying to figure out
whether he said “new ring” or “chicken wing”?
All that wandering off of the mind? Back
in the cave era? Wasn't allowed! So,
Then once I managed to peel
my head off the floor, it'd come to me, what he said, what he meant, what he wanted
would come to easily as the staggering migraine, "Ohhhhhh,
you wanted me to brush your...? Silly me!" But
I'd be doing all of my thinking in cave language! In
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