Wednesday, 6 June 2012

Myyyyyy Word!

I just saw that I have 54 pages of blog entries on my word document!  And 20,050 odd words!  Whoa-NESS!  That's like typal diarrhea!  I've become a very type-ative person these days!  Heh-heh-heh…Oxford would take me into custody and throw me into dictionary jail right now for these words but that would just be discriminative on their part.  I also want to be able to invent words.  Not because I’m a Coloured, it means you can jus….Come near me with handcuffs and I'll ask you to spell supercalifragilisticexpialidocious!  Thatttttt’s it.  Stopped you right in your tracks, didn’t I?  Put an abrupt end to your arresting expedition! 

If anyone should be arrested, it should be the person who came up with that word.  Not I!!!  For IIIII?   Have not set out to bamboozle my fellow lads ‘n lady’s!  My words have meanings!  They have no depth but they have meaning.  That untidy word can't even fit in the dictionary!  If they wanted to use all the alphabets they could have just come up with abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz!  The effect would be the same, wouldn't it?  Incomprehension!  Because?  What does it mean?  Doesn't mean you're super!  Or fragile!  You can’t be super and fragile at the same time.  Super is like Superman!  Superman was never fragile!  He never faced the bad guys and was like, “Look, we can fight but you didn’t have to say that I look feminine in tights!!  That shit hurt my feelings mannn!”  And I’m almost certain that it doesn’t mean expialidocious! Hold on a second…it just came to me….it means WTheeF! 

Correct me if I’m wrong but I'm yet to meet an expialidocious thing or person.  I still have time though!  I'm only 25 plus 7 x 2 years old!  Can't wait to say to someone..."Wow!  You're just such an expialidocious person!" Or "Mmmm-mm!  That was very expialidocious of you to say!"  And just to show you the fact that there would be no difference in my above-mentioned suggestion?  It would be the same as saying, "You're just such an abcdefghijk person!”  Both very clearly illuminate the WTF-ness factor, you know? 

My only hope is that someone doesn't act cute and names their baby after that word!  I, both realize and respect that we want our kids to have unique names, but come-on now, it’s not about punishing the little angels.  That would be even more tragic than the word itself!  But if you insist on going to extremes, then use my suggestion!  Least your child would know how to spell his/her name and so would the rest of the free world!  Name me that and the first thing I would learn to say is…”You know what?  Just.  Just call me…”IT” or “THE BABY”

Wait!  Wait!  I thought I’d research that word…this is what I found:

It is from the song in "Mary Poppins"(1964), suggested as "something to say when you don't know what to say."  The word is a neologism, meaning it was created (for the movie), but variations existed as early as 1949.

Root Meanings
A semi-serious analysis of each part of the word can produce the alternate definition, which roughly means - Atoning for educability through delicate beauty.

The roots of the word have been defined as follows:
·                super- "above"
·                cali- "beauty"
·                fragilistic- "delicate"
·                expiali- "to atone"
·                docious- "educable"

So?  “Atoning for educability through delicate beauty.”   O___O!!!!!!!  Really?!?!  I see you’re one of thosssssse!  Couldn’t just.  Atone.  You had to be all educability about it, huh?  And then they say…”It’s something to say when you don’t know what to say.”  At least now we know what to say when you’re on that first date and you all of a sudden find that the silence has become loud and uncomfortable!  Blurt out, Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious!!  And don’t forget to smile okay?  Even when the waiter comes around and you’ve unexpectedly found yourself sitting alone without enough money to pay the bill.  At least now you don’t have to be all, “The bastard!  He just left me with the bill!  I don’t know what to say!!!!!!!!!”  Now you have no excuse, because you have something to say when you don’t know what to say!  And?  Keep using that line until the evening becomes so outrageously progressive that you’ve said it to the waiter, the manager, the security, the police officer and then finally, the nurse at the psych ward…

I now depart with a measure of sadness…based on the findings of my research, it has just hit me like a ton of alphabets.  I will never ever be able to say, "Wow!  You're just such an expialidocious person!"  I would be saying, "Wow!  You're just such an to atone educable person!"  


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